
Farmall Hill Challenge #3 Race Report

The weather could not have been better to wrap up this year's spring Farmall Hill Challenge series. I was hoping for another adventure race like last week's mud fest, but with blue skies, a calm breeze, and plenty of sun I think everyone else there was pretty content with the conditions. Chelsea finished up school  for the year yesterday and was able to come so I was stoked about that. It's always more fun when she's there cheering me on. She snapped that sweet pic to the left too (and she pretends she can't take pictures).

That course is just silly fast when it's dry. There are some hills that turn into launch pads, and some descents that become blindingly fast. A couple of the steep climbs were a little peanut-buttery from last week, but thanks to my Specialized Fast Trak rear and The Captain front I was able to ride very aggressively, confident that the tires would be the last thing to hold me back. The captain is so predictable up front that it almost steers for you, and the Fast Trak is super quick, but has better traction then seems possible for such a low rolling resistance tire. Not to mention-they carve like parabolic skis. That combo is hands down my favorite ever for any conditions anywhere. I prefer Specialized Renegades for perfect weather and trail conditions, but when there's uncertainty in play the Captain/Fast Trak is my go to combo.

At the start I blew off the line like a homade bottle rocket and held the lead for almost two laps...lol. I felt like a Zebra being chased down by a Lion, haha. Eventually Andy August reeled me in and I spent the rest of the race chasing him, keeping him just barely in sight. He gaped me though while I was recovering from my start and I came close but just couldn't catch him. After seven grueling but wicked fun laps I pulled 2nd overall and 1st in my Category so i'm stoked. I can't wait to give it another go at the August series.

Up next-Burn baby burn!!! Headed to the Burn 24 with a couple of teams to represent Crankskins this weekend. The southern heat is going to be brutal, but from what i've heard and read both the course and venue is excellent. 24 hours are my favorite kind of racing so i'm really happy to be going! Not happy though about the spike in gas prices since we planned this race so long ago, but hey,  you only live once right? Almost packed, got a dinner planned with Chels tonight since i'm heading out of town, beautiful weather, can't wait!!!