
Human eating plant monster spawns!

Last summer I planted some basil in this pot and put it in the back yard. As with anything I plant it died soon after. The pot then sat outside untouched until two months ago during our move when I grabbed it and stuffed it into a plastic Wegmans bag, and then I forgot it existed. Today I pulled some stuff out of my bike closet to make a run to the storage space and swap out some winter gear for summer gear and to my surprise I found this:

What is it? No clue...looks like it's gonna be big though. Kind of scares me. Maybe I should put it back in the bag and stuff it back into the closet. 


2011 Single Track Stampede

                                          Online registration         WNYMBA website
                              Sure to be an epic race again this year.  Can't wait!


Too good to be true!

The weather lately in the Roc has been too good to be true (not complaining!). Snapped a few pics today on my ride.

I've ridden by this at least 50 times without ever seeing it...maybe the sunshine broke their cloaking device? I probably shouldn't disclose the location...but at least now I know how the aliens are always able to find me.

                                                              Silly tree got in the way of my photo.


I survived the Shootout on Angler's Ridge


Really perfectly built, sweet, extra fun, well maintained trails made for a fun lap. These trails were so fast and provided a thrill around every turn. I met some cool people and passed out tons of skins so despite the big fat DNF i'd say it was a fun and productive trip.

It was a little chaotic race day though. I've never seen anything quite like it. Three massive pile ups in less then 1/4 mile. First the pros wrecked into each other at the start line, then about 10 seconds after that a dog got loose and caused an even bigger pile up, then 1/4 mile down the dirt road where the trail head started another massive pile up and subsequent bottle neck.

This photo about sums it up. At the third pile up (I avoided each one by using my brakes to stop!) a chic ran full speed into me, bending my hanger so bad I could barely finish the first lap. I stood there trying to rig it back and watched literally every single racer except those on the ground in the pile up pass me. I slowly made my way around the first lap, had a ton of fun on the downhills.

Then, since my extra hanger was in my tool box at the EZ up, and not on my person I was unable to use it. Never heard of that rule, but i'll never make that mistake again. At least I got my DNF for the season out of the way!


The Shootout on Angler's Ridge this weekend!

Headed to Va. this weekend for the Shootout on Angler's Ridge. Gonna be a serious way to kick off the season :) Maybe a little crazy. I think i'm probably biting off more then I can chew here, but hey, nothing new there! 
Oh yeah!!! 


New York State considering new bike legislation

Photo courtesy of "www.bigstupidface.com"

This reality deficient, half a** poser of an American, 100% genuine ignorant fool is behind the NYS bike plate concept and it's logistics.

So this guys gonna waste my money chasing people around to charge them for riding their bikes? I'd gladly pay the fee if it meant I could sit down and have even a brief chat with this looser.

What a fool. Millions are without health care, health insurance, jobs, homes, ect. and this fool wants to chase around bikers (40-80 thousand of them) to get a lousy 2 million up font with only a 300k per year return. What a FOOL! It can't be his foolish tool looks that got him elected. Guy's got "tool" written all over him!

Read about this here: