

Rain rain go away!

Come on! Gimme a break-the canal is getting so crowded these days...I thought after how nice it was this afternoon I may have been in the clear but a local weekend trail ride isn't looking too promising. 


Incredible rider

I don't watch many bike vids anymore because it's time i'd rather spend riding my own rig, but i'm really glad I watched this one. This guy is incredible-talk about a jack of all trades, this guy does it all effortlessly. It's so nuts that I was sad when the video ended. There was an old video game I used to play when I was younger called Downhill Domination and this guy rides just like that game played.

A Hill in Spain from chris akrigg on Vimeo.


Mystery plant update #3

Well i'm pretty surprised by this. This is one resilient plant. Not only did it live, it pulled a double! I now I know the secret to great gardening...Put a pot outside for a long time and ignore it, then in the middle of winter put it into a plastic bag, stuff it into the closet and ignore it some more, then tadaa! Out will pop some huge flowers.


Hippie Tech Suspension and Crankskins at Sea Otter!

I've ridden so many different suspension configs throughout the years and hands down, second to none are the forks/shocks from Hippie Tech Suspension. The guy is a genius, and he treats your shocks with the same love he'd show his own. I don't know how he does it, but his suspension is just pure euphoria to ride-not to mention how freakishly light his stuff is. Sending your suspension to HTS is like sending them to fat camp. I put thousands of miles on Hippie Tech Suspension the past couple seasons and it's plain and simple the greatest around. It's hard to describe, you'd have to ride it to understand because I don't have the time or the resources to even begin to try and describe it.

I was so stoked to come across this article right on the home page of MTBR tonight! It was also pretty cool to see Hippy representing Crankskins in the article's photo.


Specialized Stumpjumper 29er

OH YOUR GOSH! I can't even begin to put this rig into words. It fits me like a glove, and just wants to take off when you straddle it. It's a 2011 Specialized Stumpjumer 29er. Many thanks go out to Crankskins for coming through so huge ("huge Rochester huge!"), and of course to Advance Cyclery for the frame.

Anyways...I just spun around casually today to get my cockpit configured and I can't wait to actually rip on it tomorrow. What a ridiculous rig! I'm so stoked. I need to get the legs ready because between the two of us i'm the slow one for sure. I made the switch to Egg Beaters too, which are going to take some practice when it comes to clipping in, but judging by the way they feel once engaged I am really looking forward to them. Ej had some sweet Crankskins for it too. Check them out in the photo below. I wrapped the frame with all sorts of his transparent protection so it should be Tom proof...we'll see. Other then trimming the super long hydro hose it's all but ready to roll.

Saweet skins!
What a beautiful rig :)


Time to jump some stumps...

Glory glory glory!

My new frame's patiently waiting for some components! Advance Cyclery came through huge with this beautiful Stump Jumper 29er frame. It's silly light with a sleek paint scheme, functional cable routing, bomb proof design, and it's bound to be quick. I never would have guessed i'd be riding this but it's crazy how life works out. Such a sick frame! Very stoked to have such a sweet steed to rip on this year.

Check out the sick rear shock. It's got custom super uber inverse hydro ultra premium dampening with uber alpha nitro rebound control and it can be switched on-the-fly between EACM (extra awesome cool mode) and AHTTM (accelerated hypo techtonic tronic mode).

First things first-gotta get it all wrapped up with my Crankskins frame protection kit and then it should be ready to roll.

An update regarding the mystery plant:
I think I see it's teeth starting to 
come in.