Yesterday I was riding to my trails when out of nowhere a rock was thrown up by a truck, ricocheted off of my helmet's chin guard, and then struck my Garmin Edge with so much force that it actually cracked the screen. The Edges, especially this particular model-the old skule 305-are freakishly durable as i've experienced first hand while taking this one to hell and back, so I could not be more surprised by the damage that was done. Just glad I was wearing my helmet or else that crack would probably be on my face!
After everything we've been through together it certainly doesn't owe me anything-it spent about 20 hours per week in sub freezing temps for the winter (some days it would be 100% iced over), has been dropped, smashed into trees and rocks, submerged in salt water, head butted at full speed while wrecking, heck-I even ran it over in a rock garden once...another story for another day lol.
Luckily Garmin's an excellent company to deal with, and when it comes to their repair/refurb program they seem to actually understand how vital these computers can be to the athletes that use them. They actually care about getting their customers squared away as efficiently and as cost effectively as possible (for real) so i'll just drop it in the mail this fall after my season dies down a little.
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